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Consensus 2024: Memes, Regulations, and Bitcoin


Consensus 2024: Memes, Regulations, and Bitcoin

Consensus, Coindesk’s flagship event, returned to Austin, TX for the last time (reports are that the Convention Center is about to undergo repairs). They announced upcoming events in Hong Kong and Toronto after the past three years in Austin (pre-COVID times it was in New York City).

With the predicted bull run underway, there was optimism in the air and money being spent:

Day one featured a lot of brands and commerce, with companies like Adidas discussing how they’re viewing web3:

And how blockchain data is finally becoming important to artists and creators:

Then ARK’s Cathie Wood said some negative things about the FED and made an announcement about her funds:

Magic Eden’s head of marketing made an interesting suggestion that chains don’t have to matter. Why shouldn’t someone be able to buy and Ordinal with Solana rather than Bitcoin?

Day two began with a debate between Messari’s Ryan Selkis and Uniswap’s Marvin Ammori. Ammori made points that the Democrats were turning to favor crypto and that it doesn’t need to be a partisan issue. Selkis disagreed in the clip below and has initially been proven correct after President Biden’s veto of the SAB21 repeal:

Switching over to a16z’s Chris Dixon, he tried to explain how blockchain is just open source software and then lamented that it’s ok to make a memecoin, but that builders will get shut down if they actually try to build something that’s has any utility:

Next investor Nic Carter and Elizabeth Olsen (formerly of Xverse) both shouted out OP_CAT as the next Bitcoin frontier:

To finish the day, presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. discussed how Bitcoin could stop wars, that transactional freedom is as important as freedom of speech, and that he’d like to see blockchain voting for elections:

Finally, Ordinals and Runes creator Casey Rodamor talked about why he did it all!

Although next year will have a different feel being in Toronto, rather than Austin, I’m sure we’ll be back to give you the latest coverage!


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Co-Founder, Blockchain Beach -- Twitter: @EvanGreenberg


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